Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our First Date...Post Deployment

Dustin and I went on our first date, post deployment, on Tuesday. Dustin planned it and wouldn't really tell me what we were going to do. He just said to wear jeans and either hiking shoes or tennies. I thought we might be getting dirty which is why I did not dress up for this activity! :) We went hiking out at Sluice Boxes State Park on a trail I had never been on. It stuck pretty close to the mountain with quite a drop-off to one side. I admit I was pretty nervous. After the hike we headed back to town for Chinese food. We both thought it was a super evening.

My Pretty Girls

She's pulling up on just about everything. Yesterday she even pulled up on Dustin, LET GO and stood for a second, then fell on her little bum-bum. Crazy girl!

Here are a few pictures I've taken of the girls over the last couple of days. It's been very busy around here. We're getting used to Dad being home and coordinating schedules and "haftas" again. Like, I "hafta" get this or that done, etc. We love having him home though. Jenna will barely let him out of her sight! She wants to go with him everywhere he goes! It's pretty cute. It's super nice to have help again, that's for sure. Tonight he's taking the 3 big kids camping and it will just be me and little one. She and I will be getting the house ready for Grandma Pamela and Aunt Rosalie's visit on Saturday. We have decided life is going to be super packed and super busy until moving day. The faster it comes, the better!

Fun Photos from the Airport

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dustin is HOME!

Dustin is safely home! Wow, we made it! Pictures to come friend took them at the airport with her camera.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Lovely Mug!

Our local paper had a Draw Your Mom contest for Mother's Day. Jeff's Kindergarten teacher entered all of her students and she called me Saturday to tell me that Jeff's drawing was in the paper. We all ran out to the Commissary to make sure we got a couple of copies. Here it is! I asked him why my ears were black and he didn't really know. The purplish lips were on purpose, but I have no explanation for that either other than he liked them like that. The hair? Dead on! He was so excited that his was in the newspaper. It was a fun gift for me, too. Thank You, Jeffrey!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Noooooooooo! She's Just Too Young!

Kelsey started this over the weekend...pulling up on things. She can't be old enough yet! She's two months ahead of the other kids! She first pulled herself up onto the first stair, then on the wall by the night light in the boys room, now the edge of the crib. The mattress is still on the highest setting. I need Dustin to get home so we can lower it so she's safe again. I can't believe that at barely 7 months she's strong enough to do this. I guess she's got to keep up with the rest of them. She can also sit back on her haunches and balance there to get into things like my magazine basket. Right now she's busy tearing the cover off of one of Dustin's truck catalogs! Yum! I sure hope she's not walking soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The End Wasn't Actually The End

Today marked one day left on our countdown calendar! Too bad Dustin is not home! I had thought he would be heading home this weekend, but Dustin is still in Qatar. He knows when he'll be leaving Qatar, sometime next week, but doesn't yet know for sure when he'll be home. We went ahead and added another 9 days, with question marks, to our countdown. Hopefully I won't have to add any more. We are so excited to have him home again, right where he belongs!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This is not Jenna. This is C, my niece's daughter. My niece posted photos of her family's recent trip to Disneyland on her facebook profile today and I promptly stole this one. I can't believe how much her little girl and my Jenna look alike, aside from the differing eye color. They are definitely family, that's for sure. I am not sure what to call them, but I guess cousins works as well as anything else. I just thought it was neat to see the resemblence! I love family!


Ok, this photo is just sad. My gorgeous tulips have been torn to bits by the latest "Spring Snowstorm". It's been crazy windy and this morning we woke to another load of the abominable white stuff. I am super ready to be heading to Biloxi. The weather there today? How about Sunny and 85F? Yeah, I think I like the sound of that much better.