While Dustin was deployed he promised Jenna she could get a kitty. We waited until we were settled here in our new house rather than getting a cat in Great Falls and moving it here. We visited the animal shelter once, but didn't find just the right kitty. We continued to check their website and Craigslist, but still no kitty. While the grandmas were here we went to the shelter again and found our kitty! With Dustin's suggestion, Jenna named her Princess Barbie. I call her Kitty. We have had her for about 10 days now and things are going better than I had planned. She is getting used to the kids and no longer runs at everything. She and Missy do not get along so we will see what happens when the weather is cold (all 2 weeks of it) and Missy needs to come inside. We are also still considering making her an outside kitty when she gets a little older.