Bamboo, the cutest of the bunch! He's a little character but has found peace and quiet hiding behind the plants nearest the house!
So, these adorable little furballs are our latest house guests! Dustin's co-worker is deploying and his wife is heading home to Viet Nam for 2 and a half months. We are babysitting these pups while she's gone. While things seem to be okay right now, I wasn't thinking so last night or throughout most of the day. Missy doesn't really like other dogs and they worked it out among themselves today who was in charge. I don't know for sure what the outcome of that debate is, however, the barking, nipping, growling, peeing, hiding, chasing, sniffing, and rescuing seem to be behind us for the most part! I think it may work out after-all! It's been quite the day, but I think we'll just have to get used to having 4 dogs!