OK. Let me start by saying that Waikiki us fast becoming a Mecca for high end shopping. I say that as a Wal-Mart shopper which means items in these stores cost well over $100 and they don't even plug in. Stores like Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Coach, Burberry, etc., etc., etc. line the streets along the beach. Well, there was also a Cartier jewelry store, yes, like from France. There were two gorgeous rings in the window case and I was curious. I asked Dustin to come in with me to ask about them. He said, "No way, too dangerous." So I went in by myself. I told the woman (and the security guard) that I just wanted to know how much the ring in the window cost. She tried to look up the prices in a book but then went to unlock the window case. I really wanted to know about this emerald cut one so she brought it out. The price? How about $241, ooo?! She even let me try it on, hense the photo above. I couldn't believe she let me even breathe on it. Obviously it was meant for some tiny Parisian princess since it only fit my pinky finger, but hey I got it on. I was giddy. Dustin didn't understand the big deal until I asked him why he thought it was soooooo cool to go to the Harley store and sit on all the new 2008 models. No further explanation was necessary.
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