Friday, May 22, 2009

Mom got spoiled!

I have been wanting a porch swing since we left Georgia (that's been 3 years now!). I loved, just loved, sitting out with Pick and Nana just about everyday when we lived next door to them. We would sit and watch the boys play and just swing. I loved it! I have been looking for a swing at yard sales and in the paper but have never found one. I even had Dustin look at one I saw in a dumpster one day. So I did something I never do- I paid full price for something. I know, I am just as shocked as you are. There was even one at the store that was labeled as having some missing bolts and I asked for a discount on that one. They'd only go down 10% and we didn't know if we'd even find the right bolts so we did the unthinkable and paid full, in-season, not clearance, price. Our friends were so proud. Anyways, Dustin spent most of last night putting it together for me and it was outside, all ready to rock, this morning. I am so excited for the weather to warm up so I can sit out there and watch the kiddos play. Thank you Dustin!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We had our ultrasound today.
Another princess is on the way!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Graduation, Jeff!

Ms. Carolle, Jeff, and Ms. Diane

Wow! Jeff had his Preschool Graduation ceremony today. It was super cute, although he didn't want to sing the songs they had prepared. It's hard to believe he's headed to Kindergarten in just a few months. It goes by soooooo fast! Congrats Jeff! Well Done!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Half -Way There!

So we are officially half-way through this pregnancy today! We are pretty much 100% sure this is the last time, thank goodness. I am not feeling any younger and life isn't getting any less chaotic. We are hopefully going to find out what we're having at our ultrasound on Thursday. We are both hoping for a boy, but of course would be thrilled with another princess as well. I just want to find out so that we can rid of all the other gendered clothes that are taking over the storage room. I could open my own resale shop with all the baby stuff down there! The weather has been lovely the last few days and there isn't any snow in the 10 day forecast. That makes for a happy me. One wouldn't think there would be snow in a late May weather forecast but last year it snowed until June. Dustin turned in a package for a job in Lakenheath, Great Britain. I don't know if I had mentioned that before. We should know by November where we will be heading come next May, it could be anywhere in the world. Wish us luck for Thursday!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who plays Little League in the evening and has snow the next morning?

The year is almost half-way over but you can't really tell here in Great Falls. Most of you probably enjoy a thing called seasons. We are still thawing out from winter- it snowed yesterday morning. The trees are still bare and the sky is usually gray. Someday summer will come but if you blink- you'll miss it. Anyways, here is Henry at his first game of the season. It was so stinkin' cold and windy. They did a great job, though. Dustin is the coach this year. He looks pretty cute out there helping the kids. We're hoping it warms up soon so that we don't have to bundle up for games! Who wears hats and gloves in mid-May? WE DO!