Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Half -Way There!

So we are officially half-way through this pregnancy today! We are pretty much 100% sure this is the last time, thank goodness. I am not feeling any younger and life isn't getting any less chaotic. We are hopefully going to find out what we're having at our ultrasound on Thursday. We are both hoping for a boy, but of course would be thrilled with another princess as well. I just want to find out so that we can rid of all the other gendered clothes that are taking over the storage room. I could open my own resale shop with all the baby stuff down there! The weather has been lovely the last few days and there isn't any snow in the 10 day forecast. That makes for a happy me. One wouldn't think there would be snow in a late May weather forecast but last year it snowed until June. Dustin turned in a package for a job in Lakenheath, Great Britain. I don't know if I had mentioned that before. We should know by November where we will be heading come next May, it could be anywhere in the world. Wish us luck for Thursday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy cow - that would be awesome to go overseas! We have families moving to Ecuador and Italy this summer in our ward with NCIS. I can't believe you want another boy...I figured you'd want another girl since it'd be close to Jenna's age for a playmate, the boys are such good friends. Let us know as soon as you find out! I'm surprised that you guys are done...I thought you wanted 5 or 6 kids?? We're done with our 2, I get soooo sick being pregnant I can't do it again. I'm ready to go back to work and excited to be done with the baby stage.