Saturday, September 26, 2009

A moment to brag about Henry...

In Henry's second grade class they can earn play money over the course of the week for things like staying on task, turning in homework, etc. At the end of the week they get to spend their money at the teacher's store. The store is stocked with stuff donated by parents. Well, yesterday Henry came home with a My Little Pony for Jenna that he had bought for her at the teacher store. It was so sweet of him to think of Jenna instead of himself. It's nice when your kids do things that you hope you're teaching them! We were very pleased with Henry's selflessness and thoughtfulness. He is such a great big brother! Way to go, Henry!


Unknown said...

Holy cow! I am impressed...way to go Henry! Snow already...that's crazy. My sister in Denver got some this week as well...gotta love Georgia! I hope you guys move somewhere awesome...I want to come visit. :)

Unknown said...

I was thinking of you guys tonight...Tuesday at about 10:30. Have ya'll added another little one to your family yet? I hope all is going/went well...I can't wait to see pictures of her. Congratulations!