Monday, August 11, 2014

Henry is 12!

July 5, 2014

Henry is 12. How is this possible? We spent the day at Colorado's. It's a big arcade type place with tons and tons of games. We ordered pizza there, even arcade pizza is good in Italy! We got home pretty late, but still had time for lemon cream pie for the birthday boy. The following Sunday Henry received the Aaronic Priesthood after his interview with the Bishop. He also got his Faith in God award signed by the bishop and should get his award in Sacrament meeting in the next few weeks as we changed Bishoprics recently. He finished it on time, and that's what counts. He has enjoyed passing the sacrament these past few weeks and we've been so impressed with his reverence and attention to detail while he passes.

p.s. Yes, Henry is eating a whole pie, sort of! I made two, just in case, and he dropped one on the floor when I asked him to help me carry them. So he got the dropped one to himself! 

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