Monday, December 31, 2012

December Fun!

Jenna with her Reading Fair Board. She did a great job!!

Back on the 12th little Kelsey Anne had surgery to repair a tiny hernia she has had for as long as we can remember. It was nice to see so many familiar faces at the hospital on base. They took super good care of Kelsey- even cutting her bandage into the shape of a heart! Kelsey was a fantastic patient except when she woke up with the pulse oxygen thingy taped to her thumb that she normally sucks. Once we got that off we were good to go. It was quite a long day but I am so glad it won't be hurting her anymore and will only be getting better- not worse. She recovered remarkably quickly and was jumping on the bed again just 2 days later. We just went in for her post-op appointment and she no longer has any restrictions. We were all so happy she could finally have a bath and we all went swimming again that evening. I am so thankful my children are so healthy. It was a rough day. I feel for parents whose children go through things like this all the time. They most certainly need all our prayers!

Jenna had her Christmas Kindergarten program on December 13th. The program was the ABCs of Christmas. Jenna part was, "F is for fireplace, cheery and bright!" She was the cutest little fireplace ever! All of the children looked so cute in their costumes. I love that it's still ok down here to celebrate Christmas. With angels and Santa Claus alike! 

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