Saturday, November 24, 2007

Oh, Christmas Tree!

Jeff loves my Little People Nativity set. He played with it ALL DAY LONG today!

Jeff, Jenna, Henry, and Dad with their special ornament gifts.

This year it was Jeff's turn to put the star on the top of the tree. He was so proud.

Today we set up our Christmas tree. This is one of my favorite days of the year! Usually, we do it for FHE the Monday following Thanksgiving but this year Henry has a special family activity at school on Monday. We decided to do it today. I put up all the decorations earlier today and then we decorated the tree together, as a family. Every year, everyone gets a new ornament that commemorates something special that happened over the previous year. This year, Dustin got a photo frame ornament with a picture of him surfing on it. Henry got a little Fisher Price School Bus ornament because this is his first year going to school on the bus. Jeff got a super cool Go, Diego, Go ornament because that's who he's really into right now. Jenna got a Tinkerbell ornament because that's who she was for Halloween. This is something that I do for them every year and I LOVE it! I also got an extra photo frame ornament for myself and I hope to put one of my dolphin photos or another photo of Hawaii in it. Now I just have to teach Jenna to leave the tree alone. It went okay tonight but it's gonna take a little while!

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