Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jenna is growing up!

Our sweet Jenna has marked an important milestone yesterday and today. Jenna no longer ( I hope) needs a binky! For the past couple of months, Jenna has only been allowed to have her binky in her bed. When I would go to get her out I would say, "Throw your binky in your bed." and she'd toss it right in there. Well, it got lost the day before yesterday. I could not find it anywhere. So I tried to put her to bed without it. She cried for a little while but then went to bed. Again yesterday at nap- no binky. Then last night with a sitter, no less- no binky. Now for today's nap- no binky! I think we're really onto something. The boys never had binkies so this is all new to us. I am pretty excited about it though.
The other thing that Jenna has started is that she seems to be really getting into the Little Mermaid. It started with a set of Ariel jammies that Grandma Pat bought for her. She gets so excited when I get them out. She's even gotten them out for me and she throws a little fit when I try to take them off of her the next morning. So, when I saw this soft Ariel doll for babies 18months and up today at Wal-Mart I couldn't resist. She looks so cute holding her and giving her kisses.

Last night Dustin brought up having another baby. He's ready. I'm not. My plan is that if we wait until the fall the baby will come when Jeff starts school so I will only have two at home. We'll see. For now, we're enjoying the three we have.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh go for the baby in the fall! It will be another baby boom in the family if all goes well. shhhh we're thinking about trying for one more later this year. I mean, when you already have this many, what's one more?? hahaha And congrats on being binky-less!