Monday, August 11, 2014

Last Day of School!!

June 12, 2014
Aviano Elementary school has a really neat tradition on the last day of school! It was a little crazy and a lot of fun. They have all the parents line up in two rows on each side of the exit doors. They play crazy music and everyone "parades" out of the school! The principals and admin staff come out first with big signs announcing the last day. They had on wild costumes and noise makers. Then the kids come out class by class. All the parents cheer and take pictures. By the time the older grades come out, it was pretty messy from parents meeting their children and trying to get pictures. That's why you can barely see Jeff in his photo. It was super fun. The parents and children and teachers really celebrated together. It was super fun. Henry, on the other hand, just walked out the middle/high school with a year's worth of junk in his basket and asked to go home!!

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