Sunday, June 1, 2008


Since Dustin's Mom and family were here, Dustin decided to do his re-enlistement ceremony a little early. June 23rd marks Dustin's 10 year mark in the Air Force and an end to the 6 year enlistment we began when Henry was born. We could either get out and join the civilian world or stick it out and make a career of it. We chose to stick it out and on Saturday, May 31st Dustin re-enlisted for 5 more years. Our friend from church, Lt. Greg Lotz conducted the ceremony. An officer (and a flag) must be present as Dustin made the Oath of Enlistment. So here we go- another 5 years! Then we'll only have 5 more until retirement! Yahoo. We were so proud of Dustin!

1 comment:

Sharlyn said...

How exciting! Congrats! That is awesome that Greg was able to do that.