Sunday, July 20, 2008

You know those Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes...

Ok, so when I was in High School Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck jokes were pretty cool. One of those jokes went like this...
"If directions to your house include the phrase 'turn off the paved road' might be a redneck!"
The directions to my house DID include that phrase- UNTIL NOW!
I didn't know if I would ever live to see the day that they paved it. The County has had those counter cables across the road so many times, for as long as I can remember, to see how many people use the road but I never thought they would actually do anything. I won't mention the names of any of my family members who went over the cables, backed up, went over the cables, backed up, went over the cables, backed up, etc, etc, etc!
When my parents got home from our trip to the coast it had been paved. I didn't get to actually experience it yet, as we drove to Montana straight from the campground, but I look forward to the day when I one day will feel the thrill of going down Fulton's Hill, with the wind in my hair, and no dust cloud behind me.
Mom, you now will have no excuse to why your car is dirty- be sure to use those car wash tickets!

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