Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who plays Little League in the evening and has snow the next morning?

The year is almost half-way over but you can't really tell here in Great Falls. Most of you probably enjoy a thing called seasons. We are still thawing out from winter- it snowed yesterday morning. The trees are still bare and the sky is usually gray. Someday summer will come but if you blink- you'll miss it. Anyways, here is Henry at his first game of the season. It was so stinkin' cold and windy. They did a great job, though. Dustin is the coach this year. He looks pretty cute out there helping the kids. We're hoping it warms up soon so that we don't have to bundle up for games! Who wears hats and gloves in mid-May? WE DO!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

only in Montana I guess! Maybe there will be snow when we come out there this summer LOL