Sunday, September 13, 2009

Don't worry, Mom.

Setting the scene: It's Friday afternoon. Mom is on her way out the door for a pedicure (yeah!). Dad has just gotten home from work and is semi-snoozing on the couch. Jenna is reading books in the living room. Boys are not yet home from school.

Mom (to Jenna): Ok, sweetie. I'm gonna run out for an appointment. I'll be back soon. Love you.

Jenna (to Mom very matter-of-factly): I'll watch Dad.

Could she be any cuter?


Tiffany said...

That is ABSoLUTELY ADORABLE!!! You need to write that one down for her to read when she is older- PRICELESS!!!!

Nicki said...

Oh, my goodness. That is so cute and funny! She is a doll.