So we braved the cold yesterday and headed out to Neihart, Montana for some super fun sledding with our friends the Clarks. Actually, it was pretty warm, 46F when I looked in the van, but snow is inherently cold and therefore courage was needed and taxed on this lovely sledding adventure. I have decided that sledding trips won't truly be "fun" until all my kids are at least 6 years old. You see, to those younger than that the cold simply makes it a yucky experience whereas the older kids can say, "Yeah, it's cold, but sledding it totally worth it!" Even Jeff had his moments of "this stinks"! The little ones only lasted so long and Lacie had to take them back to the van to thaw out. The big kids had a blast, especially Henry who just went flying down the hill everytime. Just watching him was so much fun. He'd catch air in the middle and then totally wipe out at the bottom. I was actually surprised at how fast he was going! Sledding really is super fun and I can't wait till we can all go and not have any tears! We finished up with yummy cocoa and donuts (thanks Lacie!). The kids really want to go again but I think I may leave Jenna with a sitter next time just like we did with Princess Kelsey this time.
Chews To Love As Christ Loves
7 years ago
I miss sledding! We want to rent a cabin up above Denver for a week to go and play in it, but until Ashlyn is a few years older I don't think it would be worth it. Thanks for solidifying what we were already expecting. That hill looked really big! Way to be brave and take the kids with Dustin gone, I know how much you hate the cold/snow! You deserve the Super Mom award this weekend.
Why, Thank You HarrisonFamily!
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