Saturday, November 7, 2009

3, 2, 1, Blastoff!

This past Monday we built a rocket! Actually Dustin and the boys built a rocket. It wasn't until Wednesday that we had time to shoot it off. We had fuel enough for each of us to take a turn hitting the launch button. I must admit I was very impressed and it was pretty cool to watch it shoot off into the sky. We had a little laugh when a Great Falls policeman drove by really slow. I didn't know if we were going to get into any trouble but he just kept driving. The boys are really into rockets right now and I think there will be many more launches in our family's future.
I'm sorry the video is so short...I left home with my camera but no memory card and I couldn't delete all the images that were on there already so this is what we got. I think it's still pretty cool. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

That's cool! Where did you guys get the stuff...Blake would love that!

ShannonD said...

They found a kit at Toys R Us. They spent about $40. It was very fun. We had 2 types of rocket fuel. One went so high we couldn't see it for quite sometime. I definitely recommend trying it!