Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our New Treasure

Here's another plug for Craigslist! I saw this piano listed on Craiglists maybe a week and a half ago for $4oo. The listing had been posted for about a week so I emailed them to see if it was still available. She wrote back to say she still had it and that she had dropped the price to $250. I thought about it but decided we really didn't need to spend the money. Then on Thursday she wrote to say she had to move the piano within the week and that she'd sell it to me for $100! I went to look at it Friday and we made the deal. Dustin rounded up a few helpers and picked it up last night. The piano is definitely an antique. There's a sticker on it that says it was tuned in 1926! Dustin and I can already play a song together. Now we just need to get our kids into lessons so that they can grow up to be concert pianists and make us all rich! Hah!

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