Saturday, September 8, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

Today hasn't gone as I'd expected. Dustin and I took the kids to Harley Davidson Open House today. I thought we were going for the free lunch and to look at all the new 2008s. Dustin had mentioned that he needed a new front tire and that the flyer mentioned free mount and balance but I didn't think much of it. Well, I should have. We left the Open House with 2 new tires, new brake pads, and a bill for $368 and some change. As Dustin's mom says, "Life costs money!" It's no big deal, really. We just have a bit less left in savings. Anyways, getting to the photo. Since Dustin rode the bike home and I left before him I had to unload everyone by myself. I brought Jenna in first so she'd be "safe". But when I came in with a half-asleep boy and a load of shopping bags, there she was- half-way up the stairs as happy as could be. She had only thought about trying this one out before. Me, the crazy mom ran the 8 or so steps into the kitchen to get the camera saying, "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall." Yeah, I probably should have grabbed her up and skipped the photo but she just looked so proud of herself! Boy, do we have to watch this one!

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