Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now that I am all caught up...

At my 20 week ultrasound back in May, they diagnosed me as having Placenta Previa. For those that don't know what that is, it's when your placenta attaches itself over the cervix blocking the baby's only natural way out. They let me know that if it stayed there I would need a C-section before 38 weeks so that I didn't go into labor and have major complications. They said that usually as the baby gets bigger, and as my belly would get bigger that the placenta should "migrate" away from the cervix and make everything a-ok. This whole trip I have been thinking about it and hoping that my baby's placenta would move. We had another ultrasound yesterday and we have nothing to worry about! Yeah! She is still a little girl (Dustin keeps saying that maybe they are wrong), she is growing just perfectly, she weighs about 3 and a half pounds and already has hair! They're thinking another 8 pounder is on the way. Sounds good to me. So now we just have 10 more weeks of waiting and then she'll be here. We are thinking her name is Kelsey but nothing's set in stone. It is super cute when Jenna says, "Baby Kelsey"! Jenna's even moved into the big girl bed without complaint. We're slowly getting ready. It's fun to think about her getting here and for this pregnancy to be over but we sure know that that's when the work starts so we'll try to enjoy these last ten weeks while they last!


Unknown said...

Yeah, that's great news! O'natural is the best way to go...a c-section would be scary. Kelsey would be a cute name...any middle name? That's crazy to think only 10 more weeks - get your sleep now!

Michelle said...

that's great news! It's always good to avoid major abdominal surgery.