Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Summer Vacation Part Seven- All Around Nampa

Here is what our land is looking like these days. Yeah, I know, it's not any different than the last time we saw it. The only thing that's changed is that we keep getting closer to the time when we can do something with it! We're now just under 9 years away from retirement and being able to build our house and move in!

Jenna's First Haircut! Miss Jenna will be three in September and we've never cut her hair- not even a trim to even it out. Aunt Phyllis always has the honor of our kids' first haircuts and we're really not sure when we'll be in Nampa again given the fact that next summer is a moving summer and we've no idea where we're going. So it was now or, well, who knows when so we did it. Phyllis only cut off one curl from underneath and then evened out her ends, but it was Jenna's first haircut and she did great!

Yes, Jeff is in a cast and he isn't looking to happy about it! On our last night in Idaho (Henry's birthday) Jeff tried to jump off a futon at Grandma's house. There was a silky down blanket on the futon and in his attempt to get down he slipped and fell and broke a bone in his left foot. We didn't know if it was broken, of course, but after a half hour of crying and not walking on it we knew something was wrong so off to the emergency room he and Dustin went. They splinted it and told us to see the orthopaedic doctor the next day. We were supposed to be driving to Portland the next day. After lots of calls to Orthopaedics in Nampa and not getting an appointment, I decided to just drive to Portland and hope to find a doctor there. It was not an easy task travelling as the only adult with a 56 lb child who couldn't walk, (and two other kids) especially the potty breaks, but we made it. After lots of calls to Portland area Orthopaedics, none of whom took military insurance (shame on them!) we enlisted the help of David and Chelsie, who herself needed orthopaedic care in Portland and has military insurance. They saw us the next day and decided to let us have the boot over a hard cast (YEAH) since his pain was almost non-existant. So he was able to bathe, go swimming, even run in the sprinkler. Here is it the 29th and he has an appointment in the morning to see if he's all healed up. We're hoping our time in the boot will be over tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, man! I bet a broken foot sure added to an exciting vacation. It looks like you guys had a great time...glad to hear his foot isn't too bad. We've lucked out with no broken bones so far, but it's probably just a matter of time with Blake playing sports.