Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another First for Kelsey...Can You Tell What it Is?

Do you have a guess?

Kelsey got her first tooth! I actually saw it for the first time on the 14th but it was very hard to see. If fact, the kids couldn't see it at all. It's slowly pushing it's way out and is pretty noticable now. I thought I'd better get a photo and post her latest accomplishment. It didn't go as easily as I had thought it would. Do you know how hard it is to hold a baby, try to get them to smile so big that their little mouth is wide open, and get the photo? You can only see the tooth in the last photo and she's actually gotten all mad at me for all the other shots. Afterwards I thought to myself, why didn't you try it in the bouncy chair. Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it? Anyways, if you look really closely at the last photo you can see one tiny tooth on the bottom. It was a pretty painful experience for the little princess. I hope all the others are much, much easier.


DeAnne, Terry & Samantha said...

Way to go, Baby Kelsey! I can't believe how much she looks like Henry in the first photo! Crazy. Love you guys!

Michelle said...

WTG Kelsey! Millie just cut tooth #4! We didn't get #1 til she was 11 months.